Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Macaroni bolognese seafood & cheese

Macoroni seafood bolognese with cheese..Erm this is a new recipe yg pling2 menjadi kesukaan Tihani.Resepi ni mama dah edit mengikut kesukaan little T :-) . This recipe from Annabel Karmel  :-)

Ok this is basic ingredient 

  1. Baby tomato
  2. sotong n udang
  3. bawang kecil n bawang putih
  4. caleri
  5. Mushroom
  6. Cheese (lupe snap pic)
  7. Basil herbs (mama lupe nak snap pic)

Ok, first heat up the olive oil in the saucepan ,then tumis bawang kecil n putih, next add some water then masukkan kesemua inredient di atas tu. Very easy kan??? hihihi ha yg pling penting adalah jgn lupe untuk add 3 slice of cheddar cheese to make yummy!! i n T loves cheese so much :-) 

It looks so creamy :-) hehehehe Ok done with the gravy!!!

Ok it's done my Little T favourite food so far 
Alhamdulillah Tq Allah

So comot

Sambil makan pun mesti ade book bersama..adoiyah dush dush dush my sweet little cuppy cup cake Tihani..hahahaha



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