Thursday, 12 September 2013

Handmade flash card

Here i just would like to share what I have done and still doing for Tihani...Of course we, the parents wants the best for our children kan. Here is something that i am doing for our precious.. and that is the usage of handmade flash cards!!! ..All this thing ai did because semangat sgt membara untuk Tihani bijak and love to read not only know how to read ok :-) is it different ok.(yerler interest mmg suke mengajar kat skull tp now resign keje n xnak keje dah kat luar..nak jd the best educator tuk anak je dah...of course we kan mane y berkemampuan tok buat mcm ai ni tu pun depends on rezeki memasing kan)    

Children’s brain is like sponges. They can easily absorbs information. So use the time that you have to teach them words, pictures in whatever category. Try the ABC flash cards, animal, transportation, household, you name it..but, ai started with Barney cartoons,always talk with her,phonic song n kinder garden rhyme songs. Biar die biasakan dgr dulu baru la die ade interest kan play words on flash card ni tu pun ai dah terkinja kinja menari o wat ever la i did for attract interest die cz die dah start explore world die yg lain kan, and I’m sure it’s available at the book store or you can even make it on your own just like me :-).Or just goggle pictures from the internet and paste it on to the card..Actually i just started doing this activities a few weeks..On their age (ni pun dah terlambat sikit tok Tihani, but is ok la i dah start ngn lagu n barney) Their brains are forming and expanding fast, why waste time? No point giving then all this high tech milk with DHA hoping our children to be bright but we are not doing anything to stimulate their brain!!!
Try to show the cards everyday,mcm i, i did 3 times a day (fullyhousewife kan) make it like a playtime for them. Let them enjoy looking at the cards.. They will pick up very quickly.. insyaAllah..
At this point of time, i still exposing Tihani to more and more things from the flash cards. Hoping her can benefit from it. I want to share this with all of you so your children will have this benefit too. InsyaAllah..Amin



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