Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Asmaul Husna


Tihani suke dengar lagu ni..asal nak tido je i on this song..pernah jugak la mama tukar lagu lain bley plak die terjage dr tdo..hihihi alahai anak bijaknye!!!

n now mama dah upgraded sleeping bad song with surah surah pendek..memoga Tihani akan biasa n suke dengar ayat ayat alquran cz mama if boley nak die jd insan yg cintakan alquran berjaya dunia akhirat..of course we kan as a parents..InsayaALLAH...

and guess what??????

MasyaALLAH n alhamdulillah she loves to hear that song even thought  before ni we started with english song but still not yet latela to introduce her with the ayat ayat suci alquran (alhamdulillah ALLAH maha Besar ) selain dr mama ber ( ala lupe la plak pe word yg boley dipakai ni ) alah mcm beristigfar tu huhuhu time nak tdo kan Tihani..hehehehe

And mama always mahon n berdoa pd ALLAH agar mama diberikan kekuatan n kekreatifanuntuk membesar TIhani dengan sempurna InsayaALLAH 




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