Erm arini i add some more words for flash card Tihani, dah plan nak wat polkodot maths card,n jeng jeng guess what was happened??????
glue plak habis ( but still alhamdulillah cz dapat jugak add some more 10 words baru for lilttle Tihani ) ..huhuhuh
Dugaan betol la (hihihihi)
Dugaan betol la (hihihihi)
Hati sudah semangat mahu buat
maths card n hajiyah letters card tp tu la glue habis la ok dear Tihani,mama asked papa already to buy a new glue insyaALLAH tomorrow you will have a new flash card with a new looks
maths card n hajiyah letters card tp tu la glue habis la ok dear Tihani,mama asked papa already to buy a new glue insyaALLAH tomorrow you will have a new flash card with a new looks
Yeay insyaALLAH